Cautionary Tales of Building Data Analysis
Most of the buildings we work with have building automation systems (BAS) and most sizeable new commercial buildings do as well. A BAS system often allows you to see what’s happening in real time or in the past with your building. This can lead to a lot of data; a standard single air handler could […]

Thermal Performance of Balconies and Floor Slabs Study – Update #2 Weather analysis
We have the first batch of monthly data from the City Hyde Park (CHP) weather station we installed in February! Our first task was to compare the local micro-climate conditions at the CHP weather station against standard Chicago weather conditions recorded by two major weather stations located at O’Hare International Airport (O’Hare) and Midway Airport […]

Thermal Performance of Balconies and Floor Slabs Study – Update #1 Weather Station Installation
Cyclone Energy Group (Cyclone) is currently conducting an experimental study on the thermal performance of balconies and floor slabs in a high-rise residential building located on the South Side of Chicago. As part of this study, Cyclone’s research team will monitor local weather conditions, such as ambient air temperature; relative air humidity; wind speed, direction, and […]

Building Energy Code Adoption
The State of Illinois has adopted ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2013 “Energy Standard for Buildings except Low-Rise Residential Buildings”/2015 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). Any building permits applied for on or after January 1, 2016 must comply with these codes.